Flowery Friday: Tarda tulips.


This week in my garden:  one little clump of my brand spanking new late tulips (Tulipa tarda) bloomed! (The other clump was first dug into by squirrels, then chewed on by jackrabbits – at least no one went hungry.  Sure happy I could provide).  This is my first time growing these and they’re such a delight.

Do you grow tulips?  What are your favourite cultivars, colours, etc.?  Please feel free to link up to any blog post you’ve written about them – I know I’ve seen some pretty spectacular tulip photos on some blogs recently!  Do share!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  What are your plans, gardening or otherwise?


  1. I grew tulips in my previous garden, and hope to again in my next one (assuming it doesn’t have a major rabbit problem). My favorites have always been the ones with any sort of ‘flame’ or other contrasting color patterning, rather than the solid colors — although I’ve grown those occasionally as well, usually in a color to coordinate with the others. 🙂

  2. Hi Sheryl. Lovely looking flowers. Not too sure if I will be gardening or not this weekend, but my daughter has a dance festival to attend, so that will be on Saturday. Looking forward to it!

  3. Absolutely beautiful Sheryl. I need to try some different kinds. Mine are just the standard ones. I don’t go for digging anything out and replanting in the fall. If they have a home in that patch of soil…they stay there year round.


  4. I’ve planted a lot of tulips and lost a lot of tulips…unfortunately they don’t naturalize either. And I gave up on crocuses long ago, they are the perfect squirrel food. However, I do have quite a selection of reliable daffodils!

  5. I love Tulipa tarda! They are such sunny little flowers. I will try to do some gardening this weekend if it stops raining for long enough! Enjoy your weekend Sheryl!

  6. I’ve never seen those before. Beautiful. Have planted nothing last year. Maybe this fall once I get the landscape ready. It’s been a long hard year. I’m glad to see flowers anywhere right now.

  7. I just noticed one random tulip, growing in a place I know I didn’t plant it! I get so discouraged with the way bulbs disappear–you have a much more generous attitude about the critters than I do!

    • It feels like we have a plague of jackrabbits and squirrels, so over the years, I’ve just resigned myself to the fact that I’m going to lose a percentage of what I plant. Then I get extra excited if something actually survives and blooms, LOL!

    • I wish we could swap weather sometimes! We finally had a day of rain, and it has greened everything up overnight. We were pretty desperate for some moisture. Sure hope this weekend is nice and sunny for you! 🙂

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