Snow crocuses and squirrels.

Snow crocuses FP2

Now I know spring has finally arrived!  🙂

At long last…there are a few bright blooms in my garden! And when I say “at long last,” I mean it in more ways than one: these snow crocuses were planted in the autumn of 2009 and this is the first time they’ve flowered. I had honestly thought the squirrels had gotten to them during the Great Bulb Migrations of 2009 and 2010, when most of my tulips were transplanted to locations unknown via my bright-eyed and bushy-tailed buddies.

Squirrel FP

(My hubby and I found this little dude at Bowness Park yesterday.  He was alternately mugging for the camera and stealing birdseed from the chickadees). 

I hope you’re having a beautiful Easter weekend! Do you have plans to get out into your garden or go for a nature walk?


    • I know, it’s very strange, isn’t it? The corms didn’t seem particularly small when I put them in – from what I can recall. I can’t think of any reason why they should have sat in the soil this long before any activity occurred. I’m really surprised.

  1. So glad you’ve finally got some colour to brighten the days! We are expecting rain and snow, so planning on doing some serious relaxing! 😉

    • I hope you had a fantastic Easter…and you managed to get in that relaxing you were planning! 🙂 Snow is on horizon for us as well later this week…ah, the ups and downs of spring! Gotta love it!

  2. ‘The Great Bulb Migration’….LOL, that’s funny. Your squirrel friend is adorable. We did get out for a super long walk yesterday but it was really sloppy and I had to wear rubber boots. My feet were sooooo sore. They need to make Rubber Nikes or something for those long spring hikes….Happy Easter!

    • (Shudder) voles…they’re a problem around here, too, but so far I haven’t had an issue with them myself. I’m keeping my fingers crossed! Hope all of your snow is fading and your garden is full of sunshine!

  3. So glad your crocuses bloomed for you this year! They probably knew you needed some encouragement after this strange winter that has lingered on. Happy Easter!

    • Hope you had an absolutely wonderful Easter! 🙂 We had a stellar weekend, weather-wise – it seriously felt like spring! Snow is on it’s way again this week, but for a brief time, we’ve been able to sit outside in the sun and enjoy it.

  4. I was able to work out in the garden this weekend. Yay!!! This is the first year that I left my garden and did not trim back the perennials in the fall. Last year on the Thanksgiving weekend we went away and then Winter set in shortly after that so I could not finish the fall clean-up. I am curious to see if it made a difference. I am going back out tomorrow afternoon to finish the clean-up. I am so enjoying this great weather…. till our next Spring snowstorm. Oh well. ~Thea

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